2023 training objectives

Last week I covered my goals for this racing season. There is no way I can expect to simply show up on race day and be faster than I’ve ever been. So, what am I going to do to make those race goals a reality?

Following Joe Friel’s advice in the Trathlete’s Training Bible, you build your training plan from the top down. Write goals for the season → training objectives to address your “limiters”→ write the actual plan.

With goals out of the way, let’s address my limiters.

Increase power on the bike.

My estimated FTP from ramp tests is around 220 watts or 2.58 watts per kg. Estimates are not reality, however.

My initial target is to get up to 2.85 watts per kg by the end of March in a 60 minute test.

There are two variables involved here: power and mass.

My strategy is to increase power output through regular threshold work while maintaining weight.

I could certainly lose a couple kilos and not miss them. However, I don’t want to make weight loss a goal during Lent. I like to keep fasting a spiritual practice rather than a weight loss mechanism.

Run Faster

My most recent 10k personal best is 50 minutes. That is not fast enough for either of my race goals.

Since, in the duathlon, the run is broken in two by a bike ride, I want to test running faster in training than I will in the race. I’m aiming to get my 10k time down to 45 minutes by early April.

Similar to the bike, I’m getting there with weekly near threshold efforts, while continuing to maintain an aerobic base with easy pace for most runs.

Swim speed / technique.

Right now my swim times are horrible. My easy pace is around 3 min per 100m. I can’t go fast for any length of time.

I know I can do better. I’d like to see 2 min per 100 feel easy.

The never ending story with swimming is technique.

So, I need to focus on the basics and get consistent practice.

I’m focused on getting as efficient in the water as possible. Every stroke counts.

You can gamify this playing “swim golf”. Count the number of strokes you take to get down the pool. Work on getting that number as low as possible

Even though there’s no swimming in duathlon, I’m swimming at least twice a week. I need all the practice I can get.

Increase swim endurance

My muscular endurance while swimming is lacking.

I get cramps about 40 minutes into a swim session.

By mid-June I’d like to be able to swim without stopping for 40 minutes. That’s well past how long I’ll be swimming in a race.

I’ll be adding more weekly session in the base period of the next block. Until then, I’m just keeping some consistency.

Improve bike endurance

From my previous heart rate decoupling test, 2 hours is about my limit without noticeable decoupling.

An olympic length triathlon will likely take me longer than two hours in total. I don’t want to have my aerobic endurance to be any less than that. Through long rides and runs, I’ll be aiming to move that up to 3 hours.