2023 Racing Goals

Training is more fun with goals in mind

My first several years exploring endurance sports were completely unstructured. No clear goals. No clear plan. Just sign up for the race. Run a bit. Ride a bit. Swim some. See what happens.

Last year was my first year with structured training. I was able to complete my first half marathon and marathon. I also had personal bests in 5k and 10k.

I set goals and achieved most of them (the HM did not go according to plan, but that is a story for a later time).

Training is more fun with goals in mind.

So, here are my racing goals for 2023

Finish the Spring Classic Sprint Duathlon in less than 1:40

Duathlon is totally untested waters for me (despite the fact there is no swim). However, I can make some assumptions based on my previous sprint tri bike time (46min) and my most recent 10k PR (50min).

The Spring Classic Duathlon looks to all be on a very flat course, which was not true of either of those last two events. The goal is to get the bike done in under 40 minute bike ride with around 25 minutes for each 5k.

I think this is extremely doable but this is unknown territory.

PR Olympic Triathlon by at least 45 minutes.

My first (and only) olympic triathlon was finished in 3:16:30.

I'm signed up for the Plutonium Man Triathlon in August. Which will be my first traithlon since 2016. I'd like to shave this down to at least 2:45.

I'll break the goals for each leg down one by one


The swim was shorter than normal for my first Olympic Triathlon. I overheard some more experienced triathletes comment it felt even shorter than advertised. It didn't feel short to me.

I came in last, nearly. It took me over 22 minutes.

This time the swim is, again, somewhat short at 1300m and all down stream in the Columbia River. It should be a fairly easy swim.

Having not swam in a while I'm not sure what's realistic. With my history I call anything under 20 minutes is a major victory


I completed my first Olympic Tri bike in 1:36:09.

It wasn't a bad time.

I was middle of the pack and actually had the best bike time in my age division (out of only three but still...).

I'm more fit since then but not necessarily on the bike

The Plutonium Man course is relatively flat. My first tri was not. Matching fitness from 2016, I should see a faster time.

However, I think I can shave the time down to 1:15 by August.

We will see.


I ran the 10k for my first olympic tri in just under 1:13.

Not good.

Poor pacing on the bike and lack of nutrition were definitely factors but also I was a poor runner.

Between then and now running has been my primary sport and I've gained a lot of endurance. I expect to be able to do the run in 50 minutes off of the bike.

I just need to keep gaining fitness and learn from my past mistakes.

Thanks for taking the time to read! The next newsletter will cover my training objectives to meet these goals.

If you're interested in following along, I invite you to subscribe and get the next newsletter directly in your inbox. Peace