You are not an imposter

We all walk through life feeling we’re not worthy of owning various titles.

For some of us this shows up at work. Am I really and engineer? Do I really deserve this promotion? etc. etc.

I see this in the fitness world a lot, particularly with running. When do you get to call yourself a runner? When you’ve ran a marathon? When you start running fast (say a sub 40 minute 10K)?

There’s always going to be someone someone running faster or farther than you. These arbitrary targets we think we need to hit to win a title are just that — totally arbitrary.

We’re playing finite games with what is really an infinite one. (but that’s a subject for a different time)

You are not a sus imp

You are not an imposter.

Running is defined as “to move at a speed faster than a walk, never having both or all the feet on the ground at the same time”. So, if you’re doing that you are a runner. No qualifier necessary.

But honestly I have this same issue with calling myself a writer. What makes someone a writer?

If you occupy your time for the purpose of writing to communicate a specific message to others, you are a writer.

I’m not sure I’m ready to be called a writer yet. But I want to be, sooner than later.

The only one I need to prove it to is myself.

What title are you uncomfortable wearing?
What holds you back from owning it?

Let me know.
Talk at you tomorrow.
- Daniel Otto Spencer Polehn