When to prune

There are busy seasons of life.

These are times when it is easy to let the new thing in life overwhelm everything else.

You don’t have time for chores.

You don’t have time for your friends or family.

You don’t have time for exercise, making homemade meals or getting enough sleep.

These are all signs that it’s time to stop. It’s time to prune.

Busy seasons are great for growing.

You take on more “good” things, not thinking about how it impacts the rest of life. How many “best” things do you let fall off your plates?

When you are going to bed exhausted. A long day of non-stop “doing”, day after day, week after week. You lay your head down on the pillow and it’s full of what you need to do tomorrow. You can’t get the precious sleep you need to keep going.

It’s time to prune.

When you are overwhelmed, thinking through how to manage it all. Lost in your thoughts, not able to have a meaningful conversation with your family.

It’s time to prune.

When you’re busy running kids around from place to place. You never have enough time play with them, teach them life skills. You’ve outsourced all that to others.

It’s time to prune.

When you are constantly walking around on egg shells waiting for the other shoe to drop. Avoiding whatever

It’s time to prune.

When you’re busy running kids around from place to place. You never have

It’s time to prune.

Growth can look like many things. You get that promotion at work. Fix your diet. Take that relationship to the next level. Give back to your community, church or town, with your time and expertise.

These are all good things. But if you don’t go dormant in winter, rest a little bit, you won’t be pruned. Pruning spurs on new growth and more fruit.