The outdoors will do you good

You belong outside.

A few weeks ago a friend was struggling with his young daughter. Chaos within the walls of the home. Parents know day after day of kids bickering and screaming wears on mom and dad’s nerves. It’s enough to make you question your life decisions.

Fortunately for my friend he already had a camping trip planned for the family.

“It’s OK” I said, “ some time in the woods will do her good”

Sure enough, the report back was that the chaos disappeared with the roof overhead. Time spent in the shade of trees next to water with good friends by your side is soul medicine.

There is something to say about humanity starting in a garden. (Even if you don’t see deep truth in the Eden narrative, you must recognize that humanity evolved for thousands of years without cities and houses). We are made to be outdoors. Too long away from our natural environment and something of our souls —- something about what it means to be human —- disappears.

Division, politics and conflict happen when we see creations as something to be possessed. “This is mine.” “That is yours.” “Stay off my lawn.”

When we see creation as belonging to humanity as a whole, something to share, something to preserve and cultivate, those divisions tend to fall away. We may even recognize our own oneness with creation.

Sure, there is value in the shelter and security that comes with houses, fences and street lights. Most nights I’m not worried about my youngest child being carried off by a pack of wolves. When temps reach 118F, I don’t worry about dying of heat stroke or dehydration. However, outdoors is where we are free to be our truest selves.

The outdoors is a place to challenge ourselves. Take climbing to the peak of a mountain for example. There is the physical challenge of putting one foot in front of the other. And, there is the mental challenge. Our perseverance, grit and resilience are tested. We are free to throw in the towel, turnaround and call it a day. If we push our selves to the top we are rewarded with a view and a sense of accomplishment. Either way, we learn more about ourselves than when we started.

Bottom Line: With warm summer months ahead, get yourself and your loved ones outside. It’s a beautiful world out there. Enjoy it. Better yet, you may also discover a beautiful world within yourself.

Something worth sharing

If Sufjan Stephens wrote music for a ballet to be played on two pianos, what would it sound like? Wonder no longer. This is a beautifully dynamic instrumental piece worth at least one listen.