Money is made to be spent

Can money buy happiness?

This is an age old question. It’s also a rhetorical one; you are supposed to respond in the negative. No, money doesn’t buy happiness. We derive happiness from meaning and purpose found deep within and living into that purpose.

But here’s the deal, sometimes we can bring a lot of joy to those we love by simply spending a little time and money making things happen.

A few months ago my dad told me he’d really like to take “us kids” (we’re all grown now) to go see a Mariners game for probably the 10th time. I remember being 13 the first time he said it. Why haven’t we? It’s not even that hard. A little planning, a minor financial transaction or two, some driving and it’s done.

I started talking to my brother and sister to make the ball game happen. A few weeks ago, on Memorial Day, we executed plan “get dad to the Mariners”.

In past years I would have been so sick about having these “unnecessary” expenses that this trip wouldn’t have happened. If it did, I would have been thinking about the money the whole time. It would have ruined the whole experience. But I’ve had some realizations.

Life is for living.

Money is for spending.

Yes we should be wise with what resources we are given. We shouldn’t be frivolous. But helping someone you love do something they’ve always wanted to do is not frivolous or unwise. Neither is spending to create space for regular positive experiences with your children or spouse. Life is for living, it’s not all working to save to experience freedom “someday”. With planning and discernment you can experience some of that freedom today.